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Showing posts with label Best Happy Chinese New Year Wishes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Best Happy Chinese New Year Wishes. Show all posts

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Best Happy Chinese New Year Wishes

4:54 PM 0 Comments
Happy Chinese New Year Wishes
Best Happy Chinese New Year Wishes

Glad New Year! (新年快乐!, 新年快樂!, xīn nián kuài lè, sheen-knee-un-kwhy-luh) 

🌟 May you have a prosperous new year (恭喜发财, 恭喜發財, gōng xǐ fā cái, gong-she-fa-tsigh) 

🌟 Wishing you a glad New Year (祝您新年好, 祝您新年好, zhù nín xīn nián hǎo, jew-neen-sheen-knee-un-how) 

🌟 Happy Spring Festival! (春节快乐!, 春节快乐!, chūn jié kuài lè, chwoon-well ay-kwhy-luh) 

🌟 May you have a bounty a seemingly endless amount of time (年年有余, 年年有餘, nián yǒu yú, knee-un-knee-un-yo-you) 

🌟 May favorable luck come to you as you wish (吉祥如意, 吉祥如意, jí xiáng rú yì, well she-ang-roo-ee) 

🌟 May you appreciate great wellbeing (身体健康, 身體健康, shēn tǐ jiàn kāng, disregard tee-hmm un-kahng) 

🌟 Wishing you joy each day (天天快乐, 天天快樂, tiāntiān kuàilè, tee-un-tee-un-kwhy-luh) 

🌟 May the majority of your desires work out as expected (心想事成, 心想事成, Xīn xiǎng shì chéng, sheen-sheyang-beyond any doubt chung) 

🌟 I trust that all things go the manner in which you trust (万事如意, 萬事如意, wànshì rúyì, wan-beyond any doubt roo-ee [1st syllable articulated like 'wand' without the 'd')